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Sirt1 rescues the obesity induced by insulin-resistant constitutively-nuclear FoxO1 in POMC neurons of male mice.
Susanti VY, Sasaki T, Yokota-Hashimoto H, Matsui S, Lee YS(이용수), Kikuchi O, Shimpuku M, Kim HJ, Kobayashi M, Kitamura T.
Update on Management of Compressive Neuropathy : Tarsal tunnel syndrome
HJ Kim, GS Jang, J Lee(이지호)
Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
슬관절, 스포츠의학, 관절경수술, 인공관절
Effects of Micro-Arc Oxidation Coating on Outcomes of a Cementless Grit-Blasted Tapered-Wedge Stem in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Seung-Jae Lim, Sin-Hyung Park, Sang-Yeon So(소상연), Youn-Soo Park
The Journal of Arthroplasty(SCI급)
고관절, 인공관절
Factors Affecting the Occurrence of Distal Radioulnar Joint Arthritis after Ulnar Shortening Osteotomy(척골 단축술 후 원위 요척 관절 관절염의 발생에 영향을 미치는 요인)
Chol-Jin Kim, Ho-Jin Gil, Yang-Guk Chung, Seung-Han Shin, Dong-Hyun Kim(김동현), Jun-Soo Park, and Hyun-Chul Choi
Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand
수부 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절