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Outcomes of the Sauve-Kapandji Procedure inPatients with Advanced Rheumatoid Arthritis(진행된 류마토이드 관절염에서 시행한 Sauve-Kapandji 술식의 결과)
Ho-Jin Gil, Yang-Guk Chung, Seung-Han Shin, Dong-Hyun Kim(김동현), Hyoung-Jin Kim, Jin-Woo Kang
Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand
수부 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절
Scaphoid Nonunions Treated with 1, 2-Intercompartment Supraretinacular Artery Pedicled Vascularized Bone Graft and Headless Compression Screw Fixation(1,2-구획간 상지대 동맥 유경 혈관화 골 이식술과 무두 압박나사 고정술로 치료한 주상골 불유합)
Dong-Hyun Kim(김동현), Yang-Guk Chung, Seung-Han Shin, Ho-Jin Gil, Jin-Woo Kang and Han-Seok Cho
Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand
수부 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절
The hypoalgesic effect of remote tactile sensory modulation on the mechanical sensitivity of trigger points:A randomized controlled study
Yushin Kim, Jungjin Kim, Jae Kun Shim, Dong-Won Suh(서동원), and Bum Chul Yoon
NeuroRehabilitation 35, 607-614
슬관절, 인공관절수술, 관절경수술, 스포츠재활
Difference of motor overflow depending on the impaired or unimpaired hand in stroke patients
Yushin Kim, Woo-Sum Kim, Iae Kun Shim, Dong Won Suh(서동원), TaeYeong Kim, BumChul Yoon.
Human Movement Science, 25. November
슬관절, 인공관절수술, 관절경수술, 스포츠재활