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Fabrication of a Scaffold for Bone Regeneration and Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Ki-Chan An, Jung-Wook Shin, Yoon-Jun Kim, Dae-Won Jung, Dae-Hyun Park, Dongmin Kim(김동민)
Journal of Korean Orthopedic Research Society
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상
Analysis of Factors That Affect the Outcome of Skin Grafts
Ki-Chan An, Jang-Seok Choi, Jung-Han Kim, Dongmin Kim(김동민)
Journal of Korean Orthopedic Association
수부 및 미세신경수술, 팔꿈치 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 외상
Total hip replacement arthroplasty with Mallory-Head system- minimum ten-year follow-up results(Malloy-head 시스템을 이용한 인공고관절 전치환술의 10년간 추시 결과)
Joo-Hyoun Song & Dong-Hyun Kim(김동현) & Juyoung Kim
International Orthopaedics
수부 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절, 고관절 및 인공관절
Changes in the length of the medial patellofemoral ligament
Yon-Sik Yoo, MD, Ho Geun Chang, MD, Young-Jin Seo, MD, Jae Chul Byun(변재철), MD, Gyung Kyu Lee, MD, Hyoungjune Im, MD, Si Young Song, MD
The American Journal of Sports Medicine
경추·요추디스크, 척추협착증, 퇴행성 척추질환, 최소침습 척추치료