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Anterior knee pain after tibal intramedullary nailing using a medial paratendinous approach
Song, Si Young MD; Chang, Ho Geun MD; Byun, Jae Chul(변재철) MD; Kim, Tae Young MD
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
경추·요추디스크, 척추협착증, 퇴행성 척추질환, 최소침습 척추치료
원위 요골 골절과 동반된 원위 요척 관절 손상의 치료 Treatment of Distal Radioulnar Joint Injuries Associated with a Distal Radius Fracture
대한수부외과학회지, Volume : 17, Number : 4, page : 147 ~ 152
슬관절 및 수부, 족부
Factors affecting assessment of ulnar bowing in radiography
Jeong WK, Lee DH, Kyung BS, Lee SH
J Pediatr Orthop, Jan-Feb;48-53
[전문분야] 슬관절, 족부 족관절, 스포츠의학, 관절경수술, 인공관절수술
Arthroscopic treatment of synovial chondromtosis at the knee posterior septum using a trans-septal approach: Report of two cases
Bong-Soo Kyung, Soon-Hyuck Lee, Seung-Beom Han, Jong-Hoon Park, Chul-Hwan Kim, Dae-Hee Lee
The Knee, Volume 19,lssue5, October, pages 732-735
[전문분야] 슬관절, 족부/족관절, 스포츠의학, 관절경수술, 인공관절수술