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Efficacy of a New Navigable Percutaneous Disc Decompression Device (L’DISQ) in Patients with Lumbar Discogenic Pain
Dong Won Suh
pain Medicine
[전문분야] 인공관절, 관절경수술, 디스크수술, 스포츠재활
Annulus Fibrosus Cells Interact With Neuron-like Cells to Modeulate Production of Growth Factors and Cytokines in Symptomatic Disc Degeneration
국제학술지 SPINE
[전문분야] 경추디스크, 요추디스크 , 척추협착증, 퇴행성척추질환, 뇌질환
Antegrade Intramedullary Prebent K-wire Fixation for the 5th Metacarpal Neck Fracture(제5 중수골 경부 골절에서 미리 구부려진 K-강선을 이용한 전향적 골수강내 고정술)
Tae-Hyung Kim, M.D., Bo Hyeon Kim, M.D., In-Ho Jung, M.D. and Dong-Hyun Kim(김동현), M.D.
The Korean Fracture Society
수부 및 손목관절, 족부 및 족관절
Extensive Spinal Epidural Abscess: The Usefulness of Minimal Invasive Surgical Technique using Epidural Irrigation Catheter
Kang Hyun Sung, Joon Soo Kim, Yong Woon Cho, Kyu Hong Kim, Sang Do BaeYong Woon Cho, Kyu Hong Kim, Sang Do Bae
Korean J Spine 8(3):221-224, 2011
신경외과, 척추, 요추