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Suture-bridge subscapularis tendon repair technique using low anterior portals
Park JY, Park JS, Jung JK, Kumar P, Oh KS
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 19:2, 303-306
[전문분야] 슬관절수술, 견,주관절수술, 스포츠의학
Changes of upper thoracic curve and shoulder balance in thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated by anterior selective thoracic fusion using VATS
Lee CS, Chung SS, Shin SK, Park YS, Park SJ, Kang KC
J Spinal Disord Tech. 24(7) , 462-8
[전문분야] 경추디스크, 요추디스크, 척추협착증, 퇴행성척추질환, 퇴행성관절질환수술, 관절경수술
Anulus fibrosus cells interact with neuron-like cells to modulate production of molecular factors related to symptomatic intervertebral disc degeneration
고려대학교, 학위논문(박사) 2011
[전문분야] 경추디스크, 요추디스크 , 척추협착증, 퇴행성척추질환, 뇌질환
The orphan nuclear receptor SHP is a positive regulator of osteoblastic bone formation.
Jeong BC, Lee YS(이용수), Bae IH, Lee CH, Shin HI, Ha HJ, Franceschi RT, Choi HS, Koh JT. (co-first)
Journal of Bone & Mineral Research(SCI급)