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완전 적출후 급격히 파급된 맥락총암 1례- 증례보고-(A Case of Choroid Plexus Carcinoma with Rapid Dissemination after Gross Total Resection)
Il Kwon Koo, Seong Ho Kim,Jang Ho Bae(배장호), Oh Lyong KiM, Byung Yearn Choi,Soo Ho Cho
J Korean Neurosurg, 27:775-783
경추/요추디스크, 척추협착증, 전방전위증, 척수종양
급성 경추부 손상시 전방 금속판 고정기기들의 임상비교 (Clinical Comparison of Anterior Cervical Plating System in Acute Cervical Injury)
Il Kwon Koo, Soo Ho Cho, Jang Ho Bae(배장호), Seong Ho Kim, Oh Lyong KiM, Byung Yearn Choi
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
경추/요추디스크, 척추협착증, 전방전위증, 척수종양
내원 당시 나쁜 등급(Hunt-Hess Grade IV,V)의 뇌동맥류성 지주막하 출혈환자에서 좋은 예후를 보이는 요소(Contributing Factors for Favorable Outcome in Spite of Initially Poor Graded Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients(Hunt-Hess grade IV,V)
"Bong Hoon Lee,Byung Yon Choi, Seong Ho Kim,Jang Ho Bae(배장호), Oh Lyong Kim, Soo Ho Cho"
Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society, 27(6):775-783
경추/요추디스크, 척추협착증, 전방전위증, 척수종양
Experimental Study of the Histologic Findings of the Neoendothelialization according to Length of Polytetrafluoroethylene
Kwang Suk Lee, Ki Hoon Kang, Young Ski Kim
Hand Surgery, 3L2, 263-270
[전문분야] 미세현미경수술, 수부 및 주관절외과, 재건미세외과, 류마티스