Thumb Reconstruction With a Free neurovascular Wrap-Around Flap From the Big Toe:
Kwang Suk lee, In Jung Chae, Seung Beom Hahn
J. Microssurgery 16:10, 692-697
[전문분야] 미세현미경수술, 수부 및 주관절외과, 재건미세외과, 류마티스
Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma in the Tuberous Sclerosis
Jin Han Park, Seong Ho Kim,
Dong Ro Han, Jang Ho Bae(배장호),
Sam Kyu Ko, Oh Lyung Kim,
Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho
영남의대학술지, 11(2):221-229
경추/요추디스크, 척추협착증, 전방전위증, 척수종양
Effects of the Selective Management for Increased Intracranial Pressure with Obstruction of Internal Carotid Artery in Rabbits
Bum Dae Kim, Kyoung Yeob Lee, Seong Ho Kim, Dong Ro Han,
Jang Ho Bae(배장호), Oh Lyong Kim,
Byung Yearn Choi, Soo Ho Cho, Hyun Jin Shin
영남의대학술지, 11(1):167-180
경추/요추디스크, 척추협착증, 전방전위증, 척수종양